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Child Residence Lawyer, Glasgow

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The breakdown of a relationship is difficult, especially if there are children involved. 

When going through a divorce or separation, child custody or residence is the main priority for parents. Although parents are usually able to come to a mutual agreement in relation to the residence of their child or children, in some situations they are unable to do so without either the assistance of a mediator or the courts.

Our separation solicitors have decades of combined experience in dealing with child-related matters such as child’s residence arrangements, and are aware of the significance and impact a relationship breakdown can have on children and parents.

If you are going through a separation and want to reach an agreement about child residence, contact a Jones Whyte separation lawyer today.

Child Residence advice

Residence (formerly known as ‘custody’) is the term used to describe with whom a child should live from day to day. When parents separate it is very common a child will have to live with one parent, or where the child lives will be split between the two parents.

We have extensive experience dealing with matters relating to children where parents and relevant parties cannot agree with whom the child should have their primary residence, or how much contact should take place with a non-resident parent or grandparents.

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If you believe it is in the best interests of the child to reside with you, then you can apply to the court for a Residence Order with the help of one of our solicitors for separation. The court will assess the appropriateness of your request and the welfare of the child when considering whether or not to grant this.

It is important to note that, even if a court decides that the child should live with one parent and not the other, this does not mean that the non-resident parent loses their parental rights and responsibilities – it could result in splitting where the child lives and have shared residence.

If you need any assistance or would like to resolve a dispute over child residence, our family lawyers will be able to help. Our expert team will be able to answer any questions about parental rights after separation.

Don’t let language barriers prevent you from obtaining legal advice. Our expert family law team is fluent in Polish, Bosnian, and Croatian.

Father and child

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Get in contact with our experienced legal professionals today for support with your child contact case.

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Jones Whyte Family Law Solicitors

At Jones Whyte, our family law team has extensive experience. We can advise on many different family law matters, including:

Whatever you are going through, contact our solicitors for straightforward, empathetic separation advice today.

Meet the Family Law Experts

Our sympathetic team of family law solicitors will assess your circumstances and provide guidance to ensure that you take the best course of action to resolve the situation. At Jones Whyte, we are focused on providing decisions based on the interest of the children.

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