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Historic Sexual Abuse Lawyers, Scotland

Get in touch

It can take survivors of abuse years, even decades, to come to terms with what happened to them to the extent that they can talk to a solicitor about it.

If you feel ready to begin a claim, our specialist historical sexual abuse lawyers are here to help.

We will approach your case with the utmost care and compassion. Our advice will be delivered with tact, so you are empowered to make a choice about proceeding with the claim or not.

We will respect your decisions throughout the process, as we help in any way we can.

Contact Us

Contact us for a confidential discussion about your case.

In Scotland, historic sexual abuse lawyers specialise in navigating the challenging terrain of historic abuse claims. Alleged victims are increasingly coming forward, shedding light on years of silence surrounding childhood abuse. Our specialist team of historic sexual abuse lawyers provides experienced legal representation for survivors seeking justice. We understand the psychological and physical toll of historic sexual offences and offer compassionate support throughout the claims process. With our expertise, we ensure that sufficient evidence is gathered to support your case.

Under current and historic law, prosecuting alleged offences requires careful consideration of the evidence and the legal framework. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to seek compensation for those who have suffered abuse at the hands of individuals or organisations responsible. Whether it’s securing compensation through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or pursuing a civil claim, we advocate for our clients’ rights.

In court cases involving historic abuse, mutual corroboration and physical evidence play a key factor. Despite the time limit imposed by Scots law, our experienced solicitors diligently pursue justice for survivors, holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. We recognise the gravity of this very serious situation and stand by abuse survivors every step of the way, ensuring their voices are heard and their rights upheld.

It is now widely recognised that many children in care homes and other institutions in Scotland were subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse at the hands of those in positions of authority and those responsible for providing a stable and nurturing environment.

If you feel ready to begin a claim, our specialist historical sexual abuse lawyers are here to help. Complete the form above or call us today.

We will approach your case with the utmost care and compassion. Our advice will be delivered with tact, so you are empowered to make a choice about proceeding with the claim or not.

At Jones Whyte, we understand the difficulties one can face when attempting to speak with someone about any abuse they may have suffered, whether it is of a physical, emotional or sexual nature.  Therefore, our lawyers will assist in making the claim process as easy as possible.

Making a Claim

Alleged Victims Coming Forward

Previously, victims of historic abuse were prevented from securing compensation as there were strict limits in place concerning when an individual could make a claim. In 2017, the law changed with the introduction of the Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Act 2017. This legislation essentially removed the time limits, allowing adult survivors to bring forward claims for compensation for such abuse.

You will be able to make a claim under the 2017 Act, if you were under the age of 18 years at the time the abuse was suffered and the abuse took place, after 26 September 1964.

Victims are not able to claim if they have previously claimed, and received some compensation for the abuse they suffered. However, if they had claimed compensation, but their claim was rejected because of the previous time limit, they may still be able to pursue a claim under the new legislation.

If you would like to speak with someone to find out more information on the claim process, please get in touch. This is the first, and one of the hardest steps. We understand that the claim process can force you to re-live the trauma, therefore we will always try and work with you to progress matters at your own pace.  We pride ourselves in putting our clients first and as such we are committed to helping our clients through what can be a very emotional process.

Even if you are unsure whether it is something you want to go through, please contact us and we will be more than happy to talk you though the process and offer initial advice and ease any worries or concerns you may have.

We’re here to help

It can take survivors of abuse years, even decades, to come to terms with what happened to them to the extent that they can talk to a solicitor about it. We will treat any information we receive with the strictest confidence and any information you choose to share with us will not be divulged to any other party until we have your instructions to proceed with your claim.

When you’re ready, call us today on 0800 292 2041 or complete the form at the top of this page.

Contact Us

Get in contact with our experienced legal professionals today for support with your case.

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Historic abuse claims

Although “historic abuse” is a commonly used term, that doesn’t mean your suffering stays in the past.

We understand the lifelong effects that this type of abuse can cause. That is why our team of historical sexual abuse lawyers are determined to get justice for all sufferers.

Of course, abuse doesn’t have to be sexual in nature. It includes any sort of physical, emotional or sexual attack. In historical abuse cases, these are generally carried out by a person in a position of power, including:

  • School staff.
  • Staff in children’s homes.
  • Foster families.
  • Parents.
  • Sports coaches.
  • Religious staff.
  • Spouses or partners.

The claims process

Historic abuse claims start the same way any other claim does, with a conversation with a member of our specialist legal team.

We understand that every case and every client is unique, so our advice will be tailored to you and your particular circumstances. We will then begin gathering evidence. This can include:

  • Police reports.
  • Witness testimony.
  • Medical reports.
  • Court documents.

Most claims are settled out of court. If court action is required, we will make sure you are supported throughout. We understand many clients will feel anxious about potentially facing their abuser in court. Rest assured, this is very rare.

Our team also deals with current abuse cases. Find out more about our abuse claims service today.

Meet the experts

The highly experienced personal injury lawyers at Jones Whyte Law are ready to assist you with your claim.

Meet the whole team

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