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0800 292 2042

Planning Dispute Lawyers, Scotland

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Planning decisions affect everyone and play a vital part in creating sustainable communities, where businesses and people can thrive.

Our team of building decision solicitors has broad experience in the public and private sectors. We can assist you from the inception of a project through to completion, advising a broad range of clients from multinationals to individuals.

This includes assisting with any building disputes that can arise. Our expertise in environmental law allows us to handle issues related to contaminated land, ensuring comprehensive support for your project.

Contact Jones Whyte today for unbiased property disputes legal advice.

How Planning Disputes Arise

There are many ways that planning disputes can arise, especially as the planning process is long and involves many stages, including addressing environmental issues and hazardous substances.

Planning disputes can include:

  • Zoning Violations
  • Building Height Restrictions
  • Historic Preservation Issues
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Property Boundaries and Setbacks
  • Traffic and Parking Issues
  • Noise and Nuisance Complaints
  • Change of Land Use
  • Non-compliance with Planning Permissions
  • Aesthetic and Design Concerns

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Contact us for a confidential discussion about your case.

How Our Planning Dispute Solicitors Can Help

  • Expert Advice: Our solicitors provide clear and practical advice on your rights and options under Scottish planning law.
  • Negotiation: We negotiate on your behalf with local authorities, developers, and other parties to seek a favourable resolution.
  • Representation: If necessary, we represent you in planning appeals, hearings, and other legal proceedings to protect your interests.
  • Documentation: Our team ensures all necessary documentation is prepared accurately and submitted on time, reducing the risk of procedural delays.
  • Strategic Solutions: We develop strategic solutions tailored to your specific situation, aiming to resolve disputes efficiently and cost-effectively.

Why Choose Jones Whyte?

At Jones Whyte, we are committed to providing exceptional legal services with a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. Our experienced dispute solicitors understand the nuances of planning law in Scotland and are dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of your case.

Our team also provides planning advice to developers, landowners, and other organisations, including planning authorities, ensuring compliance with planning law.

Meet the experts

At Jones Whyte we have a dedicated team with vast experience in providing civil legal advice.

Meet the whole team

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Get in contact with our experienced legal professionals today for support with your case.

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Other Types of Disputes

Our team of experienced dispute solicitors at Jones Whyte regularly advise clients on various aspects of planning law, policy, and practice. We provide advice and representation to clients at local review bodies or appeals to the Scottish Ministers, in public inquiries, and in relation to planning enforcement matters within the scope of Scotland’s planning system.

Contact Jones Whyte to discuss mediation, alternative dispute resolution and more.

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A list of members of our firm is available upon request from our Registered Office at The Connect Building, 3rd Floor, 59 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 2DH

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