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Mis-sold Car & Motor Finance Claims Scotland

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Mis-sold Car Finance Claims – How to Tell if You Have a Claim

Purchasing a car or another vehicle using a financing product (sometimes referred to as motor finance) is a common way of making ownership of that vehicle more affordable.

Car dealerships offer motor finance products, such as personal contract purchase and hire purchase, to help spread part or all of the up-front cost of the vehicle over a specified number of years.

The finance products offered by dealerships are not provided by the dealerships themselves, but rather by lenders who may be affiliated with them or completely independent.

It is common for the car dealer to receive a commission from the company providing the finance, as their salespeople are primarily motivated to sell the vehicle. 

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There is a legal obligation on the dealership and the car salesperson to follow clear rules on how financial products are presented, sold, and contracted with customers. Entering into a car finance agreement requires transparency from the seller to ensure all relevant information is disclosed.

The burden of proof lies with the lender and/or the car dealership to show that they acted legally in all aspects of the process. 

How Do I Know If I Have A Missold Car Finance Claim?

You may have a claim if: 

  • The car salesperson didn’t disclose that they would receive a commission for the sale of the car.
  • The car salesperson didn’t adequately explain the financial contract they sold to you, including terms and conditions.
  • The car salesperson didn’t present all finance options available or explain the differences between each product.
  • The car salesperson didn’t transparently present the interest rates charged for all loan options and how they may differ.
  • The car salesperson didn’t offer the best interest rate available to you.
  • The car salesperson recommended a financial package that was unaffordable.



If the lender or car dealership can’t prove they did all of the above, you may be entitled to compensation.

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Common Types of Missold Car Finance Claims 

The most common types of misselling include: 

  • Not disclosing or hiding commissions: Many of our clients were unaware that the dealership received a commission or fee for introducing them to a finance company.
  • Inflating interest rates: Some dealerships apply inflated interest rates to finance agreements to receive more commission, inflating monthly payments at the same time.
  • Not explaining all financing options: Salespeople may fail to explain all available options or hidden extras added to your contract.
  • Not disclosing ownership at end of the contract: Salespeople may fail to clarify if you own the car at the end of the agreement or if a balloon payment is due.
  • Not carrying out affordability checks: Dealerships may not check affordability for customers, trapping them in a long-term financial agreement they can’t afford. 



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Hidden Commissions – Missold Car Finance

When you finance a car, a bank or lender, not the car dealership, loans you money for the vehicle. If the salesperson doesn’t make it clear that they or the dealership will receive a commission for introducing you to the lender, this is a hidden commission. It’s the car dealership’s legal responsibility to ensure financial promotions are clear, fair, and not misleading, including disclosing any commission or fee they will receive from the deal. 
If you believe you have a claim for missold car finance, contact our Group Actions Department today for a free consultation.

We have a proven track record of winning these cases in court and are committed to helping you obtain the compensation you deserve. 

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