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0800 292 2000

Brogan Lavery

Trainee Paralegal
Qualifications: MA (Hons) History/Politics Joined Jones Whyte: 2022
0800 292 2034 West George Street

Brogan is a Trainee Paralegal in our private client Conveyancing department and specialises in Transfer of Title transactions for both English and Scottish properties. Before joining Jones Whyte she studied Politics and History at University and had worked for 7 years in retail/customer services so has experience in fast-paced and service based work.

Brogan works closely with the Trust Management, Bereavement and Estate Planning departments to support clients on the conveyancing side of updating their Trusts, Estates or various other conveyancing transactions to ensure a smooth and timely service.

Brogan finds the most rewarding part of her role to be client satisfaction. She said, “conveyancing is usually the last piece of the puzzle and clients have been through a full process with another department, whether it be a trust wind up or a bereavement/dividing of an estate. So, they are usually very grateful to have it all finally come to an end and have the property in their name.” Brogan also said she appreciates the supportiveness of her team.

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