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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Family Law

March 31, 2020 Family Law

The coronavirus means that Scotland is now facing a very challenging few months. In these times many separated parents will be concerned about contact arrangements in respect of their children. Children are having to come to terms with disruption within their routine, missing out on extra-curricular activities and being home schooled.  Trying to maintain consistency and a routine in these times is very important.  A short term arrangement if direct contact cannot continue would be indirect contact such as Skype, face time or telephone calls.

Wherever possible parents should stick to agreed child arrangements. Parents need to give thought as to how this can work for their family whilst ensuring everyone’s safety and limiting the spread of coronavirus. Taking children from one home to another is a legitimate journey. The main problem may occur when hand overs are to take place in public (or cases where there has been domestic violence) and some careful consideration will have to be given as to where and how contact hand overs should take place safely. Although it is important to keep to arrangements we must remember that routine never trumps safety.  The first and most important consideration is what is best and safest for the health and wellbeing of both children and the wider family. The child’s welfare is paramount and takes precedent over any parental rights in the eyes of the Courts.

If the current Coronavirus pandemic has left you unsure where you stand with regards to child contact & residence, or any other matter of family law, our expert team are on hand to offer advice. Contact them today on 0141 375 1222 or for a free, confidential discussion about your case.

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